GE Lunar Prodigy DEXA Scanner

GE Lunar Prodigy


Body composition by DEXA: The Gold Standard

Body composition scans with DEXA provide precise and accurate data on tissue composition, including lean mass and fat mass. The measurements are fast and non invasive, routinely the scan is completed in 10 minutes or less. Scans provide both total and regional body data.
Men and women tend to develop an increase in abdominal (android) fat.  Android fat is associated with an increased risk of heart disease, diabetes and Alzheimer’s disease.

Better than a scale

Accurate measurement of body composition provides valuable information for assessing and monitoring the progress of nutrition and exercise interventions. The DEXA scanner is the only method that accurately determines how fat is distributed.
Many people lose as much, or more, muscle than fat when trying to lose weight. DEXA can accurately determine the fat and muscle changes that occur with weight loss interventions allowing for modifications in nutrient ratios and exercise routines.

Bone Density Measurement

Ostenopenia (low bone density) and osteoporosis (very low bone density) increase the risk of fractures. Low bone density is not just a woman’s problem. Many men have low bone density as well. While hip fractures are not as common in men, the mortality after a hip fracture is roughly 20% compared to 7.5% in women.