Exercise: It's Never Too Late to Start!

Tips for the beginner

Exercise is one of the best things you can do for your health now, and in the future. Benefits include increased bone density, decreased incidence of depression, increased lean muscle mass, decreased heart disease, better sugar control, improvement in cholesterol, decreased incidence of dementia, and lengthening of telomeres.

1) Initially, make a 30 day commitment to exercise. At the end of those 30 days you'll feel better, look better, and be very likely to continue your exercise program.

2) Dedicate a specific time and make it a priority. If it is not a priority there is a tendency to put it off for the next day. By having a set time and a specific day you are less likely to procrastinate and miss a workout.

3) If you haven't worked out for some time, consider hiring a trainer to discuss your plans and goals. The trainer will not only keep you accountable, but will also help your form and prevent injuries.

4) Check your ego at the door. The gym can be an intimidating place for individuals who have not worked out for some time but you'll find most people are accepting and supportive of hard-working beginners.

5) Your first month should consist of three days a week, most commonly, Monday, Wednesday, Friday. Train all major body parts each day, workouts should last between 45 and 60 minutes.


Once you are through your first month, you can begin to add more days and cardio. You'll feel better, look better & perform better both at work and at home. Good luck!